Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Bible and Archaeology Series

The Bible and Archaeology Series

This is a compilation of the 24-part series presented in the Good News magazine over the past several years. This document is only available as an electronic file. It is not available in print or hard-copy at this time.

The evidence from archaeology is only one proof of Biblical accuracy, and that's the focus of this series of articles. We offer you a sampling of the evidence that's available —documentation showing that details of the people, places and events described in the Bible, many of them mentioned only in passing, have been verified by archaeologists and historians. Many excellent books have been published in recent years that verify the dependability of Scripture, and no doubt more will follow as new discoveries come to light.

What are the implications of this for you? All the evidence in the world does us no good if we are not willing to believe the Bible enough to put it to the ultimate test—that of doing what it tells us to do.

Adobe PDF format

Bible and Archaeology Sections 1-12 [ 1.9 MB ]

Bible and Archaeology Sections 13-24 [ 1.6 MB ]

HTML format

Does archaeology prove or disprove the biblical record?

Archaeology and the City of David

Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show?

Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? -Part 2-

Archaeology and the Book of Exodus: Exit From Egypt

Archaeology and the Book of Exodus: Exit From Egypt -Part 2-

Archaeology and the Book of Joshua: The Conquest

Archaeology and the Book of Judges

King David's Reign: A Nation United

King Solomon's Reign: Israel's Golden Years

The Early Kings of Israel: A Kingdom Divided

The Later Kings of Israel: A Kingdom's Downfall

The Early Kings of Judah: Miraculous Deliverance

The Downfall of Judah: Exile to Babylon

The Kingdom of Judah: Exile and Restoration

The Intertestamental Period: Daniel's Prophecies Come to Pass

Jesus Christ: The Early Years

Jesus Christ's Early Ministry

Jesus Christ's Later Ministry

Jesus Christ's Arrest, Trial and Crucifixion

The Book of Acts: The Church Begins

The Book of Acts: The Message Spreads

The Book of Acts: Paul's Later Travels

Archaeology and the Epistles

The Book of Revelation: History and Prophecy

Surprising Archaeological Find: Proof of Jesus’ Existence?