Monday, October 20, 2008

The Watchmen

I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem
- Isaiah the Prophet

With the scattered condition of the Worldwide Church of God after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong (Deut. 32:36; Zech. 13:7), the consequent warning from Gerald Flurry's book Malachi's Message to continue to hold on to those biblical teachings Christ restored to His Church (2 Thes. 2:15); with the betrayal of Rhodesia and the sell-out of South Africa, the surrender of Hong Kong and the Panama Canal without a shot being fired (Lev. 26:19) and Israel's retreat from holy land in foolish exchange for worthless "peace" treaties - even expelling Jews from Sinai and Gaza and other biblical territories, ethnic cleansing of Jews by Jews, instead of sworn Arab enemies who must go or Israel will - truly we're fast descending into the horrible "Time of Jacob's Trouble," the suffocating darkness of the "Great Tribulation."

What's left now but the terrible fall of Jerusalem and our British-Israelite nations?

ROME'S FINAL CRUSADE IS ABOUT TO BE LAUNCHED! The unholy "father" will start it by promoting his candidate - his "son" of perdition - to mislead Europe and the world: a supposedly divine emperor, a counterfeit Christ (Rev. 13:14). (The Jews don't expect a divine Messiah, but traditional Christianity does! However, the real Jesus won't return as a human-being (Matt. 24:23), but as the glorified and transfigured Son of God direct from Heaven with a brilliant army of holy angels and resurrected Saints!). Beware the "miracles" from hell the false prophet will perform to deceive the masses: EUROPE'S BIG LIE (2 Thes. 2:9).

But God won't leave Himself without a defense team, in fact He's preparing Two Witnesses to take the stand before a "World Court." They'll testify from Jerusalem about Germany's domination of Europe, about the Vatican's growing influence and sway over the European monarchs and masses, the cause and effect of the American, British and Jewish peoples' decline and defeat before "the New Europe," and what the final verdict of "Jacob's Trial" will be. The testimony of the Two Witnesses will be solidly based upon Israel's Bible and history.

God warns the English-speaking nations of White Israelites about the growing European threat by His Watchman (an individual who hails from the Royal House of David) and his assistant (who joins him from the Tribe of Levi). The Davidic messenger is the chief spokesman between the anointed two, ordained by God to get the Word out: THE GERMANS ARE COMING! (Ezek. 33:7; Zech. 12:8; Rev. 11:3-4).

But does that mean that God won't use others to complement their commission? Are the Two Witnesses the only ones warning that Jerusalem's about to fall for "peace" and suffer brutal occupation? (Zech. 14:2). That Israel's about to be betrayed by their European allies? In fact, God says that He's appointed a watchman to warn Israel, but that He's also authorized others to direct attention to their message of warning and hope: "Also I sent watchmen (plural) over you, saying, Listen to the sound of the Trumpet" (Jer. 6:17).

God's MAIN MESSAGE is delivered by the Two Witnesses: they are the Trumpet (Joel 2:1). But those who humbly point others in the right direction, to where God's Menorah is burning brightly, show their spirit of solidarity and rally around God's Work to get the job done! (Matt. 7:21; Luke 9:50; John 3:11; Acts 18:24-28). Unlike some with dangerously impure motives ( Jer. 26:20-24; Acts 19:13; Philip. 1:15), playing politics and wasting precious time and money, they encourage the Church and Nation to listen to HIS FINAL WARNING AND SEEK SHELTER BEFORE THE STORM BREAKS! (I wrote Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall with that rich biblical hope in mind!).

God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust! Germany and the Jesuits are ready to unleash their SCORCHED-EARTH POLICY! They're about to trigger nuclear WWIII to enforce their Catholic ideas for "world peace!" Anybody who gets in the way of their "Holy Roman Empire" will get burnt! (Rev. 13).

It's our solemn duty, honor and privilege to help warn the world to abandon their Roman Catholic traditions (that Protestants still fall for) and return to the biblical God or suffer the consequences (Rev. 18:4). Those who are truly God's People, once enlightened, will favorably respond and secure their relationship with Israel's God.

Too many are still in the dark about traditional Christianity's "white lies" - the hollow days and ways that the serpent has whitewashed - and are sincerely immersed in baptized paganism! (Acts 26:18; 2 Cor. 11:14). We must reach out to them in Christian love and compassion, with faith and patience, knowing that the Lord is merciful and doesn't want anybody to perish in the flames of war or Gehenna! (2 Tim. 2:25; 2 Pet. 3:15).

But God is just and His judgment won't linger forever, so we must make every day count in sharing God's love to the world (by faithfully delivering His Message to them) and by developing His holy righteous character in the process!