Monday, May 18, 2009

Crisis will coerce Europe to unite

Re: Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
BEYOND BABYLON warns we're going down and out due to our idolatry and immorality.

im you dislike europe? like it? or are you just saying that america has downhill due to wrong beliefs.

by the way, Europe, as a collective group of countries, is so diversified that i am willing to bet anything that they would never 'nuke' america.

you should also take into account deterrence theory.

could you please direct me to where it says that europe is going to nuke america in the bible, im interested to read this for myself

I love Europe enough to dare to share the plain truth of the Bible and history with them.

I've been through Europe four times and know their diversity but also recognize they will transcend their differences when their back is against the wall - a real or imagined crisis that will coerce them to get their act together and work as one under some strong leader who has the pope's "blessing."

The deterrence theory is just a theory and whether or not the Nazi EU agents are able to disable our deterrence or they feel it's worth the risk with a blitzkrieg attack, Germany's Fourth Reich will nuke us.

See Europe's Bitter Roots by David Ben-Ariel, as well as the other articles referenced in the YouTube video.