Sunday, August 16, 2009

"The Prayers That Are Speedily Answered"

"The Prayers That Are Speedily Answered"
by Jack Hertzog

Many of us believe in prayer, but most people use prayer in a vague way of last resort, like "I've tried everything else, so I will try prayer"! Or praying is my "good luck charm"!

Some use prayer like the seamen did in the book of Jonah, "Every man called upon his god....(Jonah 1:5), and that was because they were in trouble and they called, each on their own gods in desperation. But what is prayer? It should be speaking to God! It should be the most important communication that we have in our life, because we are created for a relationship with the Father and the Son, and there is nothing more important than having communication with our Creator.

We humans are cloaked in the flesh, and by nature know very little about the Creator of all things, and we think it is strange to pray to an unseen God. But this is precisely why God has placed us in the flesh in these circumstances! He makes it difficult, and at least in this time, if we desire a relationship with God, then we are going to have to work at it, and prayer and communication with our God is a vital factor for having a relationship with our God.

First we need to know "Who" we are praying (speaking) to, but only God can reveal "Who" He is (Isaiah 65:1), so in accordance with His purpose, the purpose of desiring that we live like He lives, He first reveals that "He Is", and that He is the Creator, and then He starts revealing what he desires for us to do, and "how" we should do it.

So the next step is, that He starts revealing His commandments and holy laws, the laws that He keeps by nature, and these laws go together with our understanding (Psalms 111:10), and our line of communication is then opened, but for it to stay open, we need to do the things that are pleasing to God (Isaiah 58:7-12), and the Sabbath is very important to having a communication with the Lord (Isaiah 58:13), but if we sin, we stand in the way of our "opened door" with God (Isaiah 59:1,2), also (Rev.3:7,8) Showing that an "opened door" depends on us obeying our Creator.

When we speak to the Creator, much to often, we take on a "give me this, give me that" attitude, and this attitude comes from the fact that we are dwelling in the flesh and it is easy to be more interested in fleshly things that we can see. The prayers that are always answered very quickly are the prayers in which we ask the Creator to take our minds off of the fleshly human world, and to place our minds on our God, and the spiritual realm; because God knows our weak state He will come to our rescue very quickly.(Isaiah 41:14)

Unselfish prayers are often answered very speedily, because God sees a lot of selfishness out there, He takes delight in those that strive to be unselfish. Another prayer that God will hear and answer very quickly, is when we fall down to sin or sins and acknowledge it, then God will run to help, because He sees His children falling, and the fact that they are concerned about disobeying Him, but the fact that they know that they cannot obey Him on their own strength shows God that they are dependent on Him for His strength, and this is very pleasing to Him, (Psalms 51:11,17~ Isaiah 1:18 ~ 1 John 2:1).

We can notice that King David did not take his own sins lightly, and after he acknowledged them, he sought repentance and the help that only God can give, and God did help him, and put away his sins ( 2 Sam. 12:13); yet, even when we commit very bad sins, and we repent of them; and when God forgives us, He forgets them and removes our sins as far as the east is from the west (Ps. 103:11-14), we still after repenting of sins, might have to suffer the consequences of the sins, to impress in us, just how bad sin is.( 2 Sam.12:10 ), but our Advocate and Helper is there for us, providing we do seek to improve and overcome (Heb. 4:14-16).

The prayers that God hears and answers very quickly, are the prayers that show God that we want to live as he lives, and do as He does, and to be like Him, which is the very most important thing that we can do in this life.

These prayers and petitions that God speedily answers, are not magic and vague "give me this, give me that" prayers, but they are practical living solutions for asking God to help us to be like "He Is"! As Christ said "Seek the Kingdom first, and then all of these other things will be added!" God and His Son are much more interested in giving Their children the true riches of having more of the mind of God, than they are in giving Their children silver and gold.