By David Ben-Ariel
"Let us make man in our image." Such a Scripture does not support the trinity, but it does support the plain truth that the Word was God and the Word was with God, two Beings with the one sacred name of God/Elohim (John 1:1-2).
"In the Beginning was the WORD (Logos/Spokesman/Revelatory Thought), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." This clearly reveals TWO Beings who shared the ONE family name of GOD (Ephes. 3:15). God created all things through Yahshua/Jesus who was the Word (Ephes. 3:9).
When the Word became flesh He was "God with us" and thereby became the "Son" and the One who remained in Heaven thereby became the "Father." They had coexisted eternally in a SHARED GLORY (John 8:42, 7:5, 8, 16:27-28). We can either accept or reject Yahshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER FIGURE whom mankind has never heard or seen. The Word who became Yahshua is the Divine Being who dealt with ancient Israel. They didn't know the Father and most still don't today, and they can't unless the Son reveals Him (John 5:37, 6:44,46, 8:54-55).
And we can either accept or reject Yahshua's explanation/interpretation of what "one" means: unity/united. He said the Father was in Him and He was in the Father (through the Holy Spirit and unity of mind and purpose) and He prayed for the Church of God to express and exhibit that exact same unity and oneness by the Holy Spirit (John 14:11, 15:4, 17:11, 21, 23). Please check out these Scripture references and see that it is so. One Holy Spirit of UNITY AND DIVINE PURPOSE (I Cor. 12:12-20).
The Scripture says "Let us make man in our image," and it says "ELOHIM (not YHVH) made man in His image." It's saying the Word and God made man "in OUR image" and, that as ONE GOD FAMILY UNIT/KINGDOM, the united God made man in HIS image. It elaborates, for our sakes, by also saying Elohim created MAN in His image..."MALE and FEMALE created He THEM" (Gen. 1:27).
So there's a reverse of the singular and the plural, man/them and our/His.
This "mystery" is further revealed when it's written in Gen. 5:1-2: "In the day that Elohim (Gods) created man, in the likeness of God made He HIM; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM." The ONE ADAM FAMILY then had a son, Seth, in "his (Adam's) own likeness, after his image" (Gen. 5:3).
Does this exclude Eve? Wasn't Seth also in her human likeness and image? Yes. For conclusive proof that God PURPOSELY inserted all this into the Genesis account to REVEAL to us later about the ONE GOD FAMILY/KINGDOM, the apostle Paul preaches: "For we [Christians] are members of his [Yahshua's] Body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they TWO shall be ONE FLESH. This is a GREAT MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church" (Ephes. 5:30-32).
That's how the ONE GOD FAMILY (Elohim with the Father Supreme and the Son gladly subject to His authority - 1 Cor. 15:28) can be and is presently composed of two God-Beings, and is in the conversion process of "bringing MANY SONS TO GLORY" (Heb. 2:10) since Christ was the "FIRSTBORN OF MANY BRETHREN" (Rom. 8:29). Jesus was the PROTOTYPE of a new genus: the Kingdom of God!
It's illustrated that even as MANKIND has shared in Adam's earthy image, we're soon to share in the HEAVENLY image of the Second Adam when we're born again of the Holy Spirit (John 3:3,6 4:24), with righteous character and composition! Mankind after the Godkind! And all through the ONE SPIRIT of God that unites us.
"Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27), "who shall change our vile body that it may be FASHIONED/CREATED like unto His GLORIOUS BODY" (Philip. 3:21), "for we know that when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM" (1 John 3:2) - we are not going to be dogs or cats, or even angels, we are to be heavenly beings, HOLY SPIRIT-COMPOSED, born again GOD-BEINGS in the one divine family unit/Elohim!
We are presently members of MANkind, huMAN, in the ADAMic Family unit (Gen. 5:2), but God promises we'll soon be changed in the twinkling of an eye, miraculously transformed, and join the HEAVENLY SPIRIT/GOD FAMILY.
We've clearly seen how "two" can be "one" whether in the God Family or in the Adam family. It's right there in the Bible if we'll just believe what we see and read. It's the plain truth of the Bible for those willing to believe what God has revealed.
Those who reject the testimony of the Scriptures (to hang on to vain traditions of men, whether trinity or oneness) are unable to explain what we're to become. Why have we received the down payment/earnest of the Spirit? (Ephes. 1:13-14). What conversion process are we in? (2 Cor.3:18). What are we being converted to if not into the character and composition of the Holy Spirit?
God is spirit. We must be born again of the SPIRIT. Yahshua is the FIRSTBORN of many brethren (Rom. 8:29). We're presently partakers of the DIVINE nature (2 Pet. 1:4). God is our Father, Yahshua is our elder Brother - a family relationship. We're in Adam's human/earthy image now; we're to be in the Second Adam's spiritual/heavenly/divine image soon.
God is reproducing Himself! That's what the conversion process is all about: God became man so man could become God. Mankind was created after the Godkind so after a life of conversion and purification, we can be resurrected to GLORY and share the glory of the Father and Son as born again sons of God (Elohim).
Again, what are we to become? How can you strive to enter the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Gods (Elohim), leaving the human kingdom behind, if you refuse to accept the awesome potential God (Elohim) offers? Take receiving the Holy Spirit and being born again of the Holy Spirit to its logical/biblical end/fulfillment.
When we're glorified God-Beings, worshipping our Supreme Father God in His Kingdom (1 Cor. 15:28), just like Yahshua will submit to the Father as all in all, we'll be immortal Priest-Kings (Rev. 5:10, 20:6), and God will be the "God of Gods" (Psalms 97:7, 136:2). Christ is the King of Kings (we're those Kings), and the Lord of Lords (we're those Lords), and the Father is God of Gods (we're those Gods/Elohim - Micah 4:5).
We either accept Yahshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER and His eternal coexistence with Him, and His work as Creator, as the Word, under the supervision of the Father, or we must reject the New Testament.
The Jews know Yahshua's claims and don't water them down to fit their religion. They reject his revelation for now, like most of traditional Christianity, but both Houses of Israel (Anglo-Saxon-Celtics, Western Europeans and Jews as taught by Brit-Am Israel) will get over this stumbling block and soon embrace our transcendent calling to become literal members of the Heavenly Family of Gods (Elohim), higher than the animals and angels - divine (Heb. 2:9-10).
We don't call God the Father for nothing, or do we? We're to be the literal children of God, the Children of the Resurrection (Luke 20:36). What glorious GOOD NEWS!
Friday, November 13, 2009
God became man so man could become God!
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