Monday, June 18, 2007

Germanizing America and the World System in Brief

Germanizing America and the World System in Brief

June 18th, 2007

In 1941 Walter Funk, the President of the Reichsbank produced a report, Europaische Wirtschafts gemieinshaft (“European Economic Community”) to insure Germany’s dominance of Europe whether it won or lost WW II. The economic integration of France and Germany was largely established by fall 1942 with the eager help of Vichy industrialists and French and German-managed subsidiaries of major American corporations like Ford, GM, ITT, and GE. The Franco-German Trusts were owned and directed by the Deutsche Bank in Berlin. When they transferred their money from the continent to Africa, the State Department’s Robert Murphy boosted Nazi profits by arranging an exchange of fifty francs per dollar though the official rate was one hundred fifty francs to the dollar. He also countenanced the incarceration of five hundred and forty Algerian Jews who arrested Vichy officials and helped the Americans under General Mark Clark to land only to see the Nazis and their sympathizers freed and put into office…

Our government’s alignment with German-led Europe did not begin with President Bush’s recent visits with German PM Merkel and their initialing of documents to deepen and accelerate EU-American integration. As explained below, they did not begin with George Marshall’s mission, the elevation of German insider Konrad Adenauer, or even with the minimal and mostly commuted sentences for top players in the Nazi-industrial extermination system. But before examining the growth of eugenics, Aryan myth, and an ethic of cynicism and will in the late 19th century, let us consider the long-term build-up of Iran whose major trading partners for weapons and technology are Germany and Russia. (German trade-credits cover Iran’s deficits). America’s ruling cadres complement this dance by ‘dialoging’ with Tehran and ordering Israel not to smite Hamas (MENL, May 15) while Iranian proxies swell in the south, north and soon in Judea and Samaria where the US wants to send still more arms and money to Fatah, a conduit to Hamas. Fatah, touted by this administration as “moderate” is led by a holocaust-denier and is an outgrowth of the Arab High Command formed by the Germans during WW II to facilitate the final solution. Read the rest of this entry »

[read the rest of this and other essays at
Please note that Prof. Narrett's essays cannot be copied from the site without explicit permission of the author. Eugene Narrett's new book, WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) is available at the site's books' page or from the publisher,]

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