Friday, June 1, 2007

Will American Jews move to Israel with Jonathan Pollard?

News & Updates

CLICK HERE for all recent items.

NEW! May 28: Jones Video Adds Fuel to Pollard Fire:
NEW! May 25: Surrendering Its Honor: Haaretz
NEW! May 16: Time to Set Pollard Free, Says Woolsey to Hamodia: Michael Stein
NEW! May 16: George Tenet's Shameful Legacy: Hamodia
May 27: Pollard's Unforgivable Sin: Ted Belman - INN/Arutz7
May 27: Video of US Ambassador Jones' Lies About Pollard with J4JP Comments: Justice4JP News
May 27: Ever seen Dry Bones in Hebrew? Justice4JP News

The godless Israeli leaders have already said, in essence, they wished Jonathan Pollard was dead, so why should folks be surprised at the US attitude? Why don't all American Jews protest by making aliyah and turning something bad into something good and demand Pollard be free to go with them? Light a candle rather than curse the darkness...