Originally Posted by pladecalvo ......and does the bible teach you to refer to other races as "foreign filth"? You seem like a bit of a racist to me David. |
The Arabs are the same race as Jews!
[David Ben-Ariel] is a member of the Temple Mount Faithful and his mission is to urge the Israeli government to take the site from Muslim control. “I am calling upon the Israeli people to repent and as part of their national repentance to cleanse The Temple Mount of its foreign filth, those foreign mosques that occupy Judaism’s most holy site.”
East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning
It's very clear, to objective observers, that my reference here to foreign filth was concerning the foreign mosques that spiritually pollute the Temple Mount.
The Palestinians should go too. “Israel should cleanse the land of this filth and their polluted mind set and remove the threat by expelling them. It’s logical. America would never tolerate a particular people saying, `We are going to take your capitol and make it ours.’”
Again, the Arabs are the same race as the Jews. It should be clear I'm referring primarily to the filth of a FIFTH COLUMN that seeks to undermine Israeli sovereignty and mass murder Jews.
However, from a biblical standpoint, the hostile Arab forces occupying the Temple Mount are considered spiritually unclean Gentiles. That isn't racist - it's religious: believe it or not. Have you never read Jesus' reference to Gentiles? He called them dogs. Is He racist? Or merely a good ol' bigot?
Regardless, I don't cower before such abused terms as "racist" or "racism." I wholeheartedly reject the PC cult and encourage others to do likewise and break free from its shackles.
I trust this clarifies your issue.

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