Friday, September 14, 2007

Bush betrays US for German-EU

Globalist stooge George W. Bush, in collaboration with treacherous toy senators and world leaders, is selling out the sovereignty of the United States of America for the German-EU.

The surge of illegal immigrants to our "nation of laws" amounts to an assault on our national borders and battery against our national defense. President Bush's criminal refusal to treat illegal aliens as potential enemy combatants is a clear and present danger to our national security.

Undoubtedly, racist organizations like La Raza and MEChA are allied with the dark forces of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. We can expect such an unholy union between Hispanics and Arabs (and their useful idiots and sympathizers) to create chaos and confusion on cue, engage in mass murder attacks in America as planned, blowing up our buses, maiming our malls and leaving our highways deserted, delivered with demands for the creation of Atzlan -- their dream about to become America's worst nightmare to date.

Don't be surprised to find conservative plants and liberal lackeys who will throw fuel on the Hispanic secessionist fire by suggesting concessions, initially offering parts of the American southwest to foreign forces, even calling for the expulsion of American citizens from targeted areas. Hard to believe? Prepare to be dumbfounded!

Israel has insanely expelled Jews from their homes and property and the animals are now running the South African farm and Zimbabwe is in ruins. It's madness, and it's all part of the curse for national disobedience (Dan. 9:11). It's not enough to see or warn about the subversive effects of illegal immigration and decry tolerance for treacherous talk of Atzlan. We must get to the root cause, however politically incorrect or "racist" some might emotionally charge, the facts must be known:

Our Great Creator God has given these "Lands of the Covenant" ( Artzot HaBrit - United States in Hebrew ) to the descendants of the biblical patriarch Joseph, first and foremost, the Anglo-Saxons (Joes). Manifest Destiny was all part of the Divine Plan to grant Joseph's Birthright Blessing of unparalleled power and prosperity to us (that we shared with our British-Israelite brethren, our combined influence extending to the far reaches of the Earth as foretold).

Now due to inexcusable idolatry and immorality, God has begun to strip us of what He had given us. "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away." He has fulfilled His Word in bestowing Joseph's Birthright Blessing, but it was our solemn responsibility to hold on to it by leading proper lives of loving obedience to God with an attitude of gratitude. Instead we've taken everything for granted and now find our borders and our lives getting frittered away. National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the horizon as our sun sets and the German-dominated Europe rises.

Will we remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, or get sold down the river and across the oceans by American agents of Nazi Germans and Jesuits working for Germany's Fourth Reich? Will our turn-coat leaders betray us to the bitter end, enabling infectious Hispanic and Arab Trojan-terrorists to weaken our infrastructure and battle our will and erode our sovereignty, with fascist Europe dealing us the death blow?

Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace