Sunday, September 23, 2007

Racist system against blacks?

IF the system is so racist against blacks, then shouldn't that encourage blacks to stay on the strait and narrow and dare not wander off and become fair prey to the beast they complain about? Why do they walk into the lion's mouth, time and again, knowing better?

IF the system is so racist against blacks, if they truly can't get justice, then why not move to Africa like Abraham Lincoln proposed so they can rule themselves? Undoubtedly, it's easier to stay put and complain and milk the liberal media and expect more handouts from the overburdened white man.

Abraham Lincoln and white power

A Warning For America From South Africa

Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?

Aid for Africa?

Fellowship with besieged white South Africans

South Africa under black misrule to revise history

South African Traitor Sells Story

South Africa in Prophecy

YouTube - Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites

Nelson Mandela sings with his communist comrades about killing white people [6 Pics & Video] Nelson Mandela: The Songs They Sing about Killing Whites

Uganda: Why Black People Have Remained Backward