Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christian Reprobates?

Wyatt Ciesielka is right on target (Without a moral compass - or just dull of hearing?) in exposing and condemning our nation's idolatry and immorality leading to our nation's self-destruction and divine judgment. Would to God more ministers would preach the plain truth - would courageously "cry aloud and spare not" and show our people their sins (many remain ignorant and indifferent about) - even if it means attracting "undue attention" and appearing "judgmental" (Isaiah 58:1).

However, too many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals, REPROBATES having a perverse spiritual preference for tradition over truth, for abominable baptized paganism, counterfeit Christian holidays they've accepted (following Constantine, not Jesus Christ), falling for accursed Rome's replacement theology that would replace the biblical Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws (we are commanded to keep) with their idolatrous traditions and unclean doctrines of demons.

Abominable traditional Christians, Protestants and Catholics speak out against bloody abortion and "homosexual marriage," and other grievous national sins (as they should - Matthew 23:23), but they remain willfully blind to their hypocrisy, failing to recognize the seriousness of their proud and stubborn religious sins, their whitewashed paganism, their heathen customs pretending to be Christian, woefully neglecting to call upon all to confess and FORSAKE BABYLON, not just Sodom.

It is necessary for all of us to get our house in order: "We The People" need to repent as individuals and as a nation (2 Chronicle 7:14), or the serious consequences for disobedience to our Great Creator God will leave our homes desolate and our land forsaken, an easy prey for the German-Assyrian eagle prepared to strike (Daniel 9:11).

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