Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Queen's Last Christmas Message?

The British Royal Family must be reminded of their Hebrew roots and Israelite origins and encouraged to become like King David, "a man after God's own heart." After all, they are scions of King David and continue his dynasty.

May Queen Elizabeth II use her Christmas message to educate the world of her Davidic ancestry and biblical responsibilities, and announce she will no longer participate in heathen customs and pagan holidays that masquerade as Christian, but will begin to love and obey God and keep the biblical festivals that God has blessed Israel with to share with all the world. Why should folks exchange these gifts for the cheap counterfeits of Romanizers?

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism

Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?